Dancedancerevolution wii comes back bigger and better bringing fitness, free movement and fun to a whole new level for all dancedancerevolution fans.. Moving your body has neverbeen so funproduct informationdance dance revolution brings fitness free movement and fun to awhole new level. the choreograph style mode allows you todance with the model dancer on screen using your whole body with themat controller wii remote and nunchuk (sold separately).. Playing ddr on wiiu with dance pad. precision dancepads. wii u - ubisoft - just dance 4 e3 trailer how to connect the wii dance dance revolution dance mat to the nintendo wii.
Supper mario broth
My kids started playing some of their old wii games with the wii u and they decided to play dance dance revolution 3. while they were able to play using a wii balance board, is it possible to connect the dance dance revolution controller used with the wii to the wii u?. Dance dance revolution (ダンスダンスレボリューション, dansu dansu rebory